Thursday, July 9, 2009

What is the difference between copying a value and copying a reference in c language?

In any language, if you pass a variable's reference, then you can change the value of the referenced variable with the code that obtained the reference.

If you pass the value of a variable, the code which obtains it cannot change the value of the original variable.

For example:

int x = 100;

void myfunction(%26amp;int z){

//some code

z = 30


would make x = 30!

If you do this:

void myfunction(int z) {

//some code

z = 30


x still equals 100.

What is the difference between copying a value and copying a reference in c language?
Copying a value is simply assign the variable to another one

eg:int x = 10;

int y = x /* copy of x is y . Now y= 10 */

Copying a reference means copy the address location of the variable

eg: int x = 10;

int *y = %26amp;x /* here y is assigned with a place holder (addtress location) only

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